30 – 31 August

Meet Ryan.
19 (but young for his age).
School drop-out (but smart).
Turkey sandwich enthusiast (365 days a year).
Absolute stunner (no addendum).

He’s new in town, and all he wants to do is check out. The hard part is coming up with an exit plan.

When the one person he thought he could rely on ups and leaves, Ryan finds himself adrift in a city he still hasn’t learned to like, looking for direction. Six months to kill, no money, no rules… surely this is the worst possible time to be alone?

Cast and Creatives
Writer and Director – Stephen Leach
Ryan – Zach Hawkins 
Selected Theatre: This Island’s Mine (Frank Theatre), A Flea In Her Ear (Sheridan Studio), Sugar Buddy (Ant Theatre), Nicholas Nickleby (Avondale Theatre), I AM KEVIN (Wildworks). Television: Ben (Erste Bank Commercial)
Voiceover – Zoe Boyd
Selected Theatre: Loop (Lion and Unicorn Theatre), Bodas de Sangre (Cervantes Theatre)
Voiceover – Joe Idris-Roberts 
Selected Theatre: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Palace Theatre), Pinocchio (National Theatre), Eyes Closed, Ears
Covered (Bunker Theatre), The Philanderer (Orange Tree Theatre). Directing Credits: Loop (2021 Tour)

Approx running time 1 hour 10 minutes (no interval)

18-20 Alma Vale Rd, Clifton, Clifton, Avon, Bristol BS8 2HY


Photo credit:Greenpanda666