Theatre in this country can often be aimed at the white middle class. We see story after story about “first world problems”, which is not to say that these plays aren’t well-written or well performed, but there is a very large number of them. Fortunately, there is a growing number of shows that don’t tell white middle class stories, and instead bring the underrepresented into the lime light, to share with audiences something new, something exciting. This is one of those productions.

From Shore to Shore tells the stories of three Chinese immigrants, and the journey that leads them to move to the UK. Using multi-rolling and minimalist staging, we switch between narratives, and see the real struggles that all three went through, while also finding out more about life in China and Hong Kong.

This production is an absolute delight to watch. With a great flow between scenes and some welcome surreal elements, each story is brought beautifully to life. Shifting between kindness and brutality, the stories are both moving and entertaining. When the writing is this detailed and special, it shows that there is no excuse for lacking representation in theatre!

Ozzie Yue is a brilliant storyteller, with a fantastic, crisp voice. His presence and command of the stage, combined with his welcoming, gentle tone, made his performance captivating. Alongside a wonderful cast, there were strong performances all round, and every actor worked the space masterfully.

Being performed at the Chung Ying, there was food before and after the show. Each dish was delightful and added to the experience, as the audience can be fully immersed in one part of Chinese culture. With a range of vegetarian and vegan options available too, this part of the production could be enjoyed by all.

Site specific pieces such as this are a great addition to the theatre scene, and I am so glad that The REP have supported this project. Diversity is something that keeps theatre fresh in this country and will allow it to grow so that future generations can experience the magic of the stage. While there are tickets, go and see From Shore to Shore. But hopefully it won’t be long before another show like this comes back to the theatres.     ★★★★☆    Jeremy Ulster   2nd April 2019


Please note on 4th April the performances will take place at Chinese Community Centre Birmingham 99 Bradford Street, B12 0NS