20th June.
This is an online performance conducted over Zoom, the video conferencing software. Ticket holders will be contacted on the day of the performance by email with a link to join the Zoom.
“Both incredibly funny and incredibly moving.” The Huffington Post
We all have voices in our heads: people we’ve met, aspects of ourselves, bizarre or banal creatures cobbled together from our emotions and memories. Instead of denying and silencing these voices, the fools of Beyond The Ridiculous invite them out to play.
Each fool steps into the empty space with no idea what they will do and simply connects with their own feelings, thoughts and physicality. They choose from a range of performance techniques to carefully craft short nuggets of audaciously authentic, gob-smackingly resonant, never-to-be-repeated, instant theatre.
You may see storytelling, character-work, clowning, physical theatre, dance, song or live music. You may laugh, you may cry, you might stare dumfounded as you see your story reflected in their play.
Hosted and facilitated by company director, Holly Stoppit, ‘Voices Of Lockdown Live & Unleashed’ is a chance to see courageous performers leaping into the limitless possibilities of each moment.