21 – 25 March  Read our review here 

Bristol’s thrilling theatre pioneers Action Hero (makers of Oh Europa, Hoke’s Bluff, A Western and many more) and Deborah Pearson present a brand new show that playfully explores what the legacy of the human voice might be in a non-human future

On stage is a small sound booth; inside it sits a woman, alone. She is a voice-over artist. Off stage, in a space never seen but only heard, two disembodied voices ask her to conjure different voices for commercials, self-help audiobooks, meditation tapes, computer games, robo-calls…. anything and everything. In amongst this post-pandemic vocal-soup, is she the powerful protagonist in her own narrative, literally building her own reality – and ours too? Or is she a cheap ventriloquist of capitalism’s audio debris, speaking into the void.

The Talent is a new show by Action Hero & Deborah Pearson about the voice and human presence in the 21st Century. Where does the voice live? How will her voice live on, outside her body, if it can take on a life of its own? The Talent asks what kind of ghosts will haunt us in when we’re gone, and what the legacy of the human voice might be in a non-human future.

The Wardrobe Theatre, 
Old Market Assembly,
25 West Street,
Old Market, Bristol, BS2 0DF
Box Office – 0117 902 0344 /
Photo credit: Ana Viotti