21 September – 10 February     Read our review on 27 September

London, 1936 the threat of fascism grows day by day.  

Shylock (Tracy-Ann Oberman – Eastenders, Doctor Who, Friday Night Dinner) a widow, single mother and survivor of attacks on Jewish people in Russia, runs a small business from her home in Cable Street. 

Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists plan a march through the Jewish East End and a fragile peace is shattered. 

Into Shylock’s world enters antisemitic Antonio in need of a loan, a dangerous deal is made. Will Shylock take her revenge?  

A powerful reminder of a key moment in British history. 

‘If you prick us do we not bleed? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?’

Discover more about the world of the show through The Merchant of Venice 1936 Extended Storytelling Platform, created by Watford Palace Theatre to give an insight into the historical context of the production, exploring The Battle of Cable Street and British fascism in the 1930s. Find resources, interactive challenges, first-hand testimonies, a timeline and footage of the Battle.

2 hrs (including a 20 mins interval)

Photo credit: Marc Brenner