31 October – 11 November

Once upon a time in the late ’80s, Vivian met Edward and her life changed forever. Be swept up in their romance in this dazzlingly theatrical take on a love story for the ages – and get to know these iconic characters in a whole new way – in a sensational show that took London’s West End by storm, guaranteed to lift your spirits and light up your heart.

PRETTY WOMAN: THE MUSICALwill star Amber Davies as Vivian Ward, Ore Oduba as Happy Man/ Mr Thompson, Oliver Savile as Edward Lewis and Natalie Paris as Kit De Luca. They are joined by Becky Anderson, Rebekah Bryant, Josh Damer-Jennings, Ben Darcy, Andrew Davison, Lila Falce-Bass, Noah Harrison, Sydnie Hocknell, Elly Jay, Rachael Kendall Brown, Michael Kholwadia, Joshua Lear, Stuart Maciver, Victoria Rachael McCabe, Eleanor Morrison-Halliday, LJ Neilson, Annell Odartey, Curtis Patrick and Chomba Taulo.

PRETTY WOMAN: THE MUSICAL features original music and lyrics by Grammy Award winner Bryan Adams and Jim Vallance, a book by Garry Marshall and the film’s screenwriter J.F. Lawton, it is directed and choreographed by the two-time Tony Award winner Jerry Mitchell.

Bristol Hippodrome

St Augustine’s Parade Bristol BS1 4UZ
2 hours 30 minutes incl. interval
Tue – Sat at 19:30
Wed, Sat and Sun at 14:30
Age guidance 12+ Contains some moderate sexual references