28 – 29 November
Theatre is a profound alchemy
Of the new and old,
Realism and myth.
Euripides’ classic play, Trojan Women, produced in 415BC and set directly after the fall of Troy, depicts a desperate community displaced, grief-stricken and assaulted by their occupiers in the aftermath of a catastrophic war.
Trojan Women (After Euripides) is an experiment.
Drawing on a diversity of influences and international theatre practices, this multilingual production is the Bristol International Theatre Workshop’s first endeavour to explore fresh forms of energy onstage. A fusion between the pre-modern and the contemporary, this hour-long performance is a collective stab in the dark at remembering what we may have forgotten.
“After God created the heavens and the earth, he stood back to contemplate creation, like a painter standing back from the canvas. [Perhaps] this is the moment we are living in – the moment of God standing back. Who knows how long it has been going on for? Since the beginning of time, no doubt. But how long is that? And for how much longer will it continue?”
– Sheila Heti (writer/novelist)
Alma Tavern and Theatre, BS82HY, 8 pm
All tickets include a £1 admin charge
Approx running time 45 minutes