13 – 15  February

From the award winning creators of Casting the Runes.

“What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”

Dorian Gray, young and exceptionally beautiful, sinks deep into a frivolous lifestyle of glamorous luxury and selfish abandon, seemingly unchanged by corruption and untouched by age. But behind a locked door, beneath a dark, heavy curtain, Dorian’s portrait tells a different story …

Box Tale Soup present a remarkable adaptation of Wilde’s classic in their inimitable style.

“Box Tale Soup is an award winning theatre company whose critically acclaimed productions have delighted thousands of people in the UK and abroad. The name comes from our signature style, packing whole handmade worlds into a vintage trunk with a delicious mix of puppetry, movement, theatre and music.

Dance-like choreography and fervent attention to detail combine with beautifully considered writing that puts the story first – this is an artisanal, handcrafted approach to theatre with a style unlike any other. Seamlessly blending multiple disciplines, including puppetry, mask, physical theatre and all original music, in the world of Box Tale Soup even the stories you know aren’t quite as you remember…”.

Commissioned by the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, UCLA

Directed by Mark Collier
Running Time: 70 minutes

The Everyman Theatre

Regent Street, Cheltenham, GL50 1HQ