Author: Graham Wyles

Saint Petersburg CLASSIC BALLET – Swan Lake at Bath Theatre Royal

★★★★☆ This production by the Saint Petersburg Classic Ballet company, under the direction of Marina Medvetskaya, opts for the romantic version of Tchaikovsky’s intricate ballet . . . Rothbart, the sorcerer, is played by Dmitry Popov as an out and out grotesque, his black owl costume giving a kind of dark reptilian lustre to his taut, angular movements.

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JUST AN ORDINARY LAWYER at the Ustinov Studio, Bath

★★★☆☆ This one-man show has songs which thread through the piece, illustrating as they do Sowande’s first love – music. The atmosphere is for the most part congenial, delivered with the comfortable, measured pace of a lawyer anxious for exactitude in unpacking the salient details and passions of a life well-lived.

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CINDERELLA at the Bristol Hippodrome

There’s a bit of a fad amongst chefs for ‘deconstructing’ old favourite recipes. Thus you might find yourself eating a bit of crumbly something or other with something lemony and another item of creamy stuff all going under the name of ‘cheesecake’. Eric Potts, in writing a version of Cinderella that can accommodate the extraordinary and much loved talents of Torvill and Dean has done something similar for pantomime. This panto gently nudges the boundaries of the tradition and in doing so fills the theatre with all round family entertainment.

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ALADDIN at the Theatre Royal, Bath

Jon Monie and Nick Wilton are entertaining us at the Theatre Royal Bath – so it must be Christmas! Mr Monie has become the consummate panto comic lead. His is the kind of performance that allows you to sink comfortably into your seat knowing you are in good hands . . . a colourful family show firmly anchored in a warm-hearted festive tradition with a simple story and entertaining performances all round.

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CINDERELLA at the Tobacco Factory Theatres Bristol

I have some stern advice: if you are thinking of taking a young person, who has never been to the theatre before, to see the Christmas show at the Tobacco Factory – DON’T! If you do they are likely to come away with the wrong impression: they may think that all theatre is this inventive . . . No, think twice before you bring anybody to this production for I warn you – no good will come of it.

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