Author: Mike Whitton

TARTUFFE at the Tobacco Factory Theatres, Bristol

★★★★☆ In this age of ‘alternative facts’ and fake news, Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory could not have chosen a more apt play to update than Tartuffe. There occasional references to specific current issues, such as Brexit and Trump, but it is the play as a whole that has a very relevant message for our times.

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COLIN’S HEAD at the Alma, Bristol

★★★★★ Groundswell Theatre’s Colin’s Head is a startlingly original play that had last night’s audience transfixed throughout . . . Who is Colin, and what has his head got to do with anything? You’ll have to see the play to find out. Catch it if you can.

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WAR HORSE 2017 tour launches in Bristol

A prosaic description of this remarkable puppet would tell you that it is constructed from cane, leather and aluminium, that it weighs about 50 kilos, and that it is operated by three puppeteers. When it is stationary it is very obviously a puppet, for much of its supportive framework is visible, as are the puppeteers themselves. It does not have the kind of realism we would see in, say, an equestrian statue.

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