Author: Keith Erskine


On a page on her agent’s website, Sophie Melville is described as “highly skilled” in body popping and hip hop dancing and maybe that is why her incredible single-handed performance as Effie in this play is so physical, direct and powerful. This physicality and also the direct fashion in which she confronts the audience makes us firstly feel uncomfortable, and then gradually draws us in to her compelling and touching story.On a page on her agent’s website,

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NEL at the Wardrobe Theatre, Bristol

The show starts with the cast wandering around a semi-lit stage as though testing out the sound props, but within one minute of the lights coming up you know that you are in safe hands. The four women engage with the audience with an easy professionalism and humour that puts everyone at their ease. It looks simple but requires excellent direction and much hard work. Every few minutes there is a new imaginative and amusing theatrical trick and the quick fire togetherness is always immaculate.

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