Author: Simon Bishop

Review: KINKY BOOTS at Bristol Hippodrome

★★★★☆ People singing about shoes? Not a particularly auspicious subject for a night’s entertainment you might think. But following a sluggish start, Kinky Boots tears off the humdrum and delivers a mad musical, peeling away prejudice while serving up a thunderingly good time.

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Review: BLUE DOOR at the Ustinov Studio, Bath

★★★★☆ Plunged into a long sleepless night of self-reflection, Lewis is ‘visited’ by three generations of male forebears each bearing harrowing chapters from a story that climbs from the privations of slavery and a harrowing lynching to drunkenness and early death from drug overdose.

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Review: RAIN MAN at the Theatre Royal in Bath

★★★★☆ A hit when it was released in 1988, the original American comedy drama road movie won four Oscars, one going to Dustin Hoffman for his portrayal of the autistic savant Raymond Babbitt. In this revival of Dan Gordon’s stage adaptation of Barry Morrow’s screenplay, there is virtually no actual ‘road’ . . .

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Review: STAR FLOWER at the Redgrave Theatre, Bristol

★★★★☆ Star Flower is Whispering Woods’ new show – this time featuring Nina Bambrey and her creative performance partner Rory Bennett, who explore a dreamlike journey, a compassionate shared adventure, using aerial acrobatics, circus, dance and puppetry within a theatre environment.

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