Author: Simon Bishop


★★★★★ Occasionally, when all the elements that go into making theatre come together successfully, there can be alchemy, an enchantment that lifts a production to a level where it not only delivers delightful story telling, but also elicits a deeply emotional response from an audience. In a production that has been beautifully and lovingly crafted, these ‘flying lovers’ will live on in your memory for a long time to come.

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LEGO BEACH at 1532 Performing Arts Centre, Bristol

★★★★☆ Backed with atmospheric lighting, original songs delivered with lovely harmonies, and a simple yet imaginative set that cleverly reflected the way LEGO was taking over the town, this was great theatre by some highly dedicated and skilled new followers of the art.

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JSLN DANCE at the Redgrave Theatre, Bristol

★★★★☆ A small company, JSLN bring their performances to smaller stages round Britain, where audiences are up close and very personal, giving dance students, in particular, a chance to see how the professionals do it, just an arm’s length away.

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